Update on Galápagos During the Pandemic

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting social distancing measures have led to the temporary postponement of all field work activities in the Galápagos Islands. However, conservation efforts continue: Galápagos National Park staff are continuing to maintain the three tortoise breeding centers in the Islands and to conduct key wildlife monitoring activities, and the Biosecurity Agency of Galápagos (ABG) – who are on the front lines of the pandemic – are involved in daily monitoring, inspection, sanitation and testing activities related to the pandemic in the Islands. Many scientists we support are using this time as an opportunity to conduct research online, plan for future needs, write reports, analyze data and more.

Galápagos Conservancy is continuing to secure funding to safeguard the Islands despite the current public health crisis, such as by providing financial assistance to both the ABG and the Park, as well as to the Galápagos Governing Council. The current crisis has reinforced how much Galápagos Conservancy depends on our members, whose generous support allows us to fulfill our mission to protect these enchanting Islands and their remarkable native species.

We are humbled and grateful for the outpouring of support over the past month, particularly with the knowledge that the pandemic changed many people’s financial circumstances. We remain committed to protecting Galápagos, as we have for the past 35 years, now more than ever.


Johannah Barry
President of Galápagos Conservancy